Recente matéria em circulação na Rede Globo mostra dados estatísticos sobre o mercado e o público evangélico no Brasil.
A pesquisa mostra que o mercado de livros evangélicos cresceu 14% em 2012, sendo este um mercado que movimento milhões em todo o país.
A pesquisa "Retrato da Literatura" no Brasil, revela que os cristãos leem o dobro da população em geral e que o LIVRO MAIS LIDO PELOS BRASILEIROS É A BÍBLIA SAGRADA.
Por ano são produzidos, em média, 8,5 milhões de exemplares do livro, sendo um há cada três segundos, e estes são exportados para 105 países.
Recent matters outstanding at Globo shows statistics about the market and the evangelical public in Brazil.
Research shows that the evangelical book market grew 14% in 2012, which is a market that is moving millions across the country.
A search for "Portrait of Literature" in Brazil, reveals that Christians read twice the general population and the BOOK READ MORE BY BRAZILIAN IS THE HOLY BIBLE.
Are produced per year, on average, 8.5 million copies of the book, one for every three seconds, and these are exported to 105 countries.
Recent matters outstanding at Globo shows statistics about the market and the evangelical public in Brazil.
Research shows that the evangelical book market grew 14% in 2012, which is a market that is moving millions across the country.
A search for "Portrait of Literature" in Brazil, reveals that Christians read twice the general population and the BOOK READ MORE BY BRAZILIAN IS THE HOLY BIBLE.
Are produced per year, on average, 8.5 million copies of the book, one for every three seconds, and these are exported to 105 countries.
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